The “AHF Bulletin” is meant to keep our community informed about what’s happening throughout our spheres of interest. Please join us in promoting and celebrating automotive history, culture, and aesthetics by becoming a member, and send us the news you’d like to share.
Summer car show season is in full swing and enthusiasts appear to be making up for lost time, finally getting out to their favorite car events.
We’ve been attending our share around southeast Michigan, including the always-surprising Father’s Day show at the Ford Estate on the shores of Lake St. Clare – EyesOn Design. We can count on that show to innovate. They did so this year by presenting only race cars. Seems like that would be too limiting, don’t you think? Well, you may not realize, without stopping to think, how broad that category can be: from NASCAR to rally racing, open-wheel to prototypes, dirt trackers to hand-built “Race of Gentlemen” contenders. The car selection committee had a hard job this time, but they did a masterful job.
EyesOn Design honored Peter Brock, best known for creating the innovative skin for the famous Shelby Daytona Coupe. We may think of race car design as focused purely on function when in reality it can be as aesthetically significant as any other genre. In fact, when form and function are in balance, beauty is enhanced, we contend.

New Partnership
The Automotive Heritage Foundation is partnering with Dorsay Creative, Main Street Pontiac, and the Detroit Institute of Arts to help manage the new Automotive Category in their long-standing regional art competition known as Canvas Pontiac.
As many in our AHF audience know, we have considerable experience within the automotive fine art community and have been designing an international automotive fine art competition of our own. In the meantime, our friends at Dorsay pulled the trigger on a similar project and we raised our hands to help.
Canvas Pontiac will award three top prizes in their Automotive Art category: $3,000, $2,000, and $1,000 for first, second and third respectively. Judging will be led by Glen Durmisevich, chief judge at the prestigious EyesOn Design show, and will include a respected team from within the automotive art and design communities. Entries are submitted digitally and the fee is $35 – open now, to close on August 31st. The top-scoring six entries will be printed by the event on metal and displayed throughout the Pontiac community beginning this fall.
2022 Automotive Heritage Awards
Because of the funding challenges discussed in the last Bulletin, we’re not presenting our Journalism Competition or our vehicle awards this year. But, we will be presenting our Automotive Heritage Lifetime Achievement Award and the scholarship by the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation in the name of the AHF.
Last year’s Lifetime Achievement awardee Lindsay Brooke is leading the effort to name the 2022 honoree, and Alex Buchan is preparing the beautiful trophy that goes with the award.
The presentations will be made on Friday afternoon, August 19th, during the Woodward Dream Show at the M1 Concourse Woodward and South Boulevard, Pontiac, Michigan.