The “AHF Bulletin” is meant to keep our community informed about what’s happening throughout our spheres of interest. Please join us in promoting and celebrating automotive history, culture, and aesthetics by becoming a member, and send us the news you’d like to share.
Automotive Heritage Awards Announces New Venue
We are pleased to announce:
The Automotive Heritage Foundation is partnering with M1 Concourse, an 87-acre automotive enthusiast playground featuring a 1.5-mile performance track and vibrant garage community in Pontiac, Michigan along legendary Woodward Avenue, to host the 2021 Automotive Heritage Awards.
M1 Concourse is presenting the Inaugural Woodward Dream Show, a two-day celebration of automobile enthusiasm in conjunction with the epic Woodward Dream Cruise, Friday/Saturday, August 20/21.
The Automotive Heritage Awards will be featured Friday at 4PM after the morning’s track, display and show events and prior to intriguing panel-chats with Bob Larivee, Ken Lingenfelter, Jim and Mike Ring along with a few others. Details at the Dream Show website.
Though the Woodward Dream Show is a ticketed event, journalists and our official guests will be comped and offered discount tickets for their entourage. M1 Concourse guests will be welcome at our presentation as well.
Thanks to M1 for inviting us to enjoy their hospitality and be a part of the automotive enthusiast community they’ve developed.
Watch for details and logistics here and at the M1 website.
AHA Competition Update
Automotive Heritage Journalism Competition
Judging is wrapping up under the leadership of Csaba Csere. The quality and integrity of the entries are gratifying. We’ll notify winners soon so you can make plans. Top-scoring entries get an Alex Buchan-designed trophy and others deserving recognition earn Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Winning stories will be linked on the Automotive Heritage Foundation Website.
Future Collectible Vehicle of the Year
Ballots go out shortly to those who receive this communication. You will make the choice from a short list we’ve developed. If you’d like to make a nomination or be sure something is on our list, email us PDQ. Must be something introduced for sale in calendar 2020, be available for sale in the U.S. and list for less than a hundred-grand – the car most likely to be seen at car shows 25 years from now.
Concept Vehicle of the Year
Brian Baker and his team of internationally respected designers have made their choice, but we’ll keep that a secret for now. We’ll just hint: it is from one of our European automakers.
Automotive Heritage Lifetime Achievement Award
When we notified this year’s honoree for the Lifetime Achievement Award, he/she (we’ll keep that a secret for now too) was shocked and humbled. Your hint is: the honoree is a Detroit-based journalist.
AWAF Scholarship
We’ll again present this important scholarship to a young woman pursuing an automotive-related career on behalf of the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation.

Big Change Coming for the Concours d’Elegance of America
Hagerty and the Concours d’Elegance of America jointly announced this will be the final year for this prestigious classic and collector car show at the Inn at St. John’s near Plymouth, Michigan, as the event moves to the Detroit Institute of Art for 2022, and slides forward on the summer calendar to September. Further details have not been announced.
Hagerty – leading insurance provider for classic cars and boats, information resource repository for the hobby, event producer, publisher – has for years done more for the hobby/business of classic and collector cars than any other entity. They are further expanding by purchasing the Concours of America, the Amelia Island Concours, the California Mille and the Greenwich Concours, while supporting or being involved in about 3,000 other events each year.
This year’s Concours d’Elegance of America will grace the Inn at St John’s, as for the past decade, on Sunday, July 25, 2021 with over 250 special cars: classics, race cars, sports cars, muscle cars . . . you name it. Friday and Saturday will be filled with supporting activities and events including our favorite, the automotive fine art tent. Lectures, tours, sub-car shows, venders, exhibits . . . an event not to be missed.

Classic Car Club of America’s New Museum Expansion at the Gilmore – Grand Opening
The Classic Car Club of America will hold a Grand Opening series of events to celebrate expansion into a large new building at the Gilmore Museum complex in Hickory Corners, Michigan (not far north of Kalamazoo) on the weekend of August 27-30. A Friday driving tour to historic Marshall precedes Saturdays all-day slate of events at the Museum culminating in a semi-formal cocktail party and dinner. On Sunday a Pierce-Arrow event leads the day then an evening dinner for the Mackinac Island Tour participants.

Join the AHF
We not only honor automotive history as documented by our award applicants, but we make history by working to preserve the past. Come join us to share our mission… creating and executing events and projects that honor and promote automotive history, culture, and aesthetics. Become a patron by considering membership and/or sponsorship of any of the multiple levels of support. Since we are a 501 (c3) charitable non-profit, your contributions are meaningful to both our organization, your organization, and your personal/professional affiliations. All are welcome and in keeping with our philanthropic endeavors.

Help Preserve Automotive Heritage
We humbly solicit donations of any size from those who share our passion for the promulgation of automotive history culture and aesthetics. Our 501(c)3 status was granted by the IRS effective February 2019. We would also be pleased to share in your knowledge, expertise and dedication as in-kind and volunteer contributions to AHA and AHF projects. Donations can be accepted here.