Karl Ludvigsen
Gold Recipient
2019 Automotive Heritage Awards Journalism Competition
Toward the Tucker: Creating Preston Tucker’s Bid for Glory, Article
We can’t be specific about when or why Preston Thomas Tucker got it into his head to become a motor mogul. We know it was during World War lI, in advance of which Tucker built his first complete motor vehicle in the capacious workshop behind his home in Ypsilanti, Michigan, west of Detroit. He created it in response to a requirement from the Dutch government for a fighting vehicle to help fend off any German attempt to carve through its territory on the way to France. Built on a 109-inch wheelbase, the 1938 “Tucker Tiger Tank” was in fact a scout car
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Full article available in December 2018 Issue of Collectible Automobile.

”“I've got some background with this car, and this is the best story ever written about it.”
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